How It Works

CATalytics Process Flow

CATalytics team has developed a standard flow for Orders, Delivery, Pickup, Returns and other sales process flow related to cylinder and other assets. Standard flows related to asset life-cycle and related processes are depicted below.

Asset Life-Cycle Flow

Standard industry flows related to customer order placement, sales staff invoice and delivery note creation are supported. Traditional delivery/pickup to/from customer premises by delivery staff is in standard flow. Additionally, direct pickup and empty returns by customers are also supported. Periodic maintenance of assets, as well as damage repair status, are also covered in our asset tracking and data analytics software system.

CATalytics - Asset Life-Cycle Flow
CATalytics - General Flow

General Flow

High-level users are empowered to maintain data masters related to Customer, Supplier, Cylinder, Pallet, Gas Types and others. Data analytics and report generation for exclusive Super-Admin use. Simple flow connects:

  • Customer
  • Sales Staff
  • Platform-In-Charge
  • Driving Staff

Sales Flow

Our asset tracking and data analytics software comprehensively supports the sales process and related paper works such as:

  • Sales Invoice
  • Cash Invoice
  • Delivery Note and Others
CATalytics - Sales Flow

Additionally any specialized and additional steps based on your business practise can be added onto our asset tracking and data analytics system within a reasonable development time.

CATalytics is One of the Leading
Cylinder Asset Tracking and Analytics Software.

Our software is in action across many filling stations and production facilities,
optimizing operations and delivery processes while providing business insight to management.
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